After a bit of traveling, Bosco has just collapsed on the floor of the cavern.
Bosco: Hurts...stomach...
Belphanior: (glances at Ged) We need to kill him now.
Ged: What?!?
Belphanior: You know what's
going to happen...all of you do. He at least deserves our mercy.
Peldor: You're insane!
Otto: No, he's right. It's the only possible way-
Peldor: (steps between them and the flagellating Bosco) No.
Songa: But-
Bosco: AieeeeEEEEEEE-
The debate over the possible courses of action was cut short by the fountain
of bright red blood that jetted from Bosco's stomach. This blast was followed by
the appearance of a small, monstrous head, whose emergence sprayed entrails and
bits of bone all about.
tiny monster: (emerges, its slick,
fanged head craning around to regard the people surrounding it) Screeeee!

Peldor: (wide-eyed, he stares at the thing)
Belphanior: Dammit-
Otto: (his crossbow already ready, as it was when Bosco first started
showing signs of distress, he aims and fires)
The dwarf's bolt hit the grotesque little monster directly in its
toothy face, knocking it back away from Bosco.
Arnold: (deftly sidesteps the twitching body, whose tail whips
about wildly) Aaa.
Otto: Watch the acid.
Arnold: (looks on as the dying creature's white blood bubbles
and sizzles its way into the cavern's floor) Good shot.
Ged: Is it dead?
Arnold: (scrutinizing the thing, he kicks it carefully) Yah.
Peldor: (still in shock, he stares at Bosco's eviscerated corpse)
Gorin: (shaking his head) Bosco...
Belphanior: We should have put him
out of his misery before this happened.
Ged: Now just you wait-
The fully-grown monster that had been following and waiting above, clinging to the ceiling, chose this moment to strike.
monster: (drops to the floor of the tunnel, directly behind
the bulky armored form of Arnold) Sssssss!
Arnold: Aaa? (he whirls)
The weird foe had the element of surprise, as well as alarming speed. Its
glistening dark talons raked across Arnold's plate mail, digging furrows in the
metal and causing a terrible scraping sound.
Arnold: Aaa! (he swings his
sword around, a reflexive self-defense action more than anything else)
The angle of the barbarian's attack was a weak one, but his great strength
powered the weapon's course as it sliced the monster from shoulder to hip,
crosswise. The wound wasn't enough to cut the foe in half, but it was deep.
monster: Screeeee! (it staggers
back as great gouts of yellowish-white acid spray forth)
Arnold: (doused with the acidic blood) AAAAAARGH! (he
begins to melt away, accompanied by a great deal of fumes and a terrible smell)
Gorin: Arnold! (being closest
to all of this, which has taken only a few moments to transpire, he charges, axe
held high) You'll die for that, beast!
The creature turned to intercept, then changed its mind and tried to evade
the heavy axe. However, its wound slowed it, and Gorin's weapon bit deeply into
its leg. The young dwarf was ready for the acid, too, stepping aside as he
wrenched his weapon free.
Gorin: (notes the hissing and bubbling which is eating his axe-head
away) Dammit...
monster: (lunges forward, a seven-foot flurry of claws
and acid) Hssssss!
Gorin: Whoa-
The dwarf went down under the foe's attack, just as a blast of flame from
Belphanior's wand singed its back. A moment later, Otto's crossbow bolt buried
itself in the thing's head. Gorin, however, was screaming and yelling as he
wrestled with the acid-dripping opponent.
Ged: For Boccob! (he launches a Color Spray at them both)
The array of colored beams didn't seem to affect the thing, though it did
stand suddenly, apparently contemplating its next move. That option, however,
was taken away by Peldor.
Peldor: (using his TK ring, he picks up the monster, moving it about thirty feet away, and
slams it against a wall) Die. (he slams it again) Die!
monster: (flailing in place, acidic blood dripping from its wounds and
burning small pits in the walls and floor) Ssssss!
Peldor: Bastard... (he slams it into the wall yet again)
Alindyar: Allow me. (he launches a Burning Hands, which
engulfs the thing in its fiery blast)
monster: (still screeching, a weird and disturbing sound)
Belphanior: Allow me. (he conjures up
a fireball, which incinerates the thing and fills the next few hundred feet of the passage with flames)
This time, there was no doubt: the charred husk of the creature lay there,
smoking...dead. But the price paid was a high one, and now the adventurers numbered eight.