Portraits of The Adventurers
by Dean Adamo
In celebration of fifteen years of these stories being published, readers contributed funds
to commission a professional artist to draw the core group in the Green Dragon Inn.
Congratulations, Thomas! Thanks for over 975 great chapters . . . and still going strong!

Arnold, Rillen, Bosco, Lyra, Alindyar, Peyote, Ged, Rob, Peldor, Felicia, Tanya, Belphanior, Mongo, Halbarad
You can also see the mid-size (1200 x 600, 630 Kb) version and the full-size (4840 x 2420, 3.2 Mb) original image
A few notes from the webmaster/publisher . . .
- The idea
My original intent was to have this delivered to Thomas on November 4 2006, the actual 15th anniversary
of the first post he made
to the rec.games.frp Usenet newsgroup. Unfortunately problems in both my personal life
and the artist's led to a month delay, but mostly it was a double death in my family that caused the
late start. I assure you that Mr. Adamo worked very hard on this project and was extremely
cooperative and accomodating to my feedback, which resulted in a fantastic piece of art.
(At least, that's my opinion . . . post
or tell me what you think.)
- The artist
I've played in the same AD&D group (first and second editions) for over twenty years now, and in February 2003
I decided I wanted a portrait of my cleric. I picked Mr. Adamo after a quick survey of the web of
"character artists", and he absolutely nailed the overall look and facial expression
I was hoping for. So when the time came to go ahead with this idea of a gift for Thomas, I looked at everyone else's samples and styles first
before coming back and choosing him again, a decision I am certainly pleased with. You can see his other work by clicking the
"Album List" link on his webpage, as well as
his personal website.
- The author
You can find out Thomas's reaction to the gift here.
- Money
This was not cheap. Over three dozen readers contributed cold hard cash without even knowing what the gift was, let alone looking at it,
for which I am impressed and grateful. However, now that it's been "given" to Thomas and everyone's seen it, more donations to
cover the balance paid would be sincerely appreciated. You can send me whatever amount you think it's worth to you via
PayPal or
ask me for my address if you'd prefer sending a check.
Thank you! Remember, no amount too small.
Update: I've talked with my bank, and they will charge me a US$10 fee for "handling" foreign cash and checks, in addition
to whatever cut they take in the currency conversion. If you wish to contribute and you cannot use PayPal, the best method would
appear to be converting it to US$ on your end and simply mailing it to me.
- More portraits!
The artist would be receptive towards commissions for more drawings of Thomas's characters.
Please tell me if you're interested in contributing
towards one or more of the possibilities listed below. Remember, there are many readers,
so a small donation from each of less than half of you is all we need.
- Bel's crew [at Helgate] (Belphanior, Otto, Ys, Skektek, Razor Charlie, Eduardo, Victoria, Aja, Jutokai --- possibly Kinichi, Neko, Zhao)
- Bel's crew [afterwards] (Belphanior, Otto, Ys, Skektek, Neera, Elgon, Jenna)
- Ged, Endymion, Arnold, Nenya and Deryck (in the Suel museum or in Ged's castle?)
- Mongo and Flint
- Mongo and Gorin
- Peldor, Tanya, Bosco, Felicia and Vinnie
- Rillen and Songa
- Rob, Peyote, Daffodil, Halbarad and Zephyr
- the "original" group (Yod, Tarl, Kup, Marcus, Oakly, Relmar, Eyer, Filadril, Drexel, Dexitheseus)
- the Misadventurers (Peyton, Sylus, Adolphus, Wembly, Rogar, Damien)
- the Vampire Hunters (Parekh, Drak, Boltar, Bram, Ghuust, Dorval, Marko)
- the Nine (Xusia, General Kael, Selene, Bodok, Fenris, Ulrich, Gog, Cespedes, Ythuus)
- the Cabal (Parekh, Pallin, Wu, Cespedes, Dexitheseus)
- the Crimson Blades
- ...anything else I've overlooked...
If you reply about this, please be as specific and suggestive as you'd like --- I want to know exactly what people are interested in.