Ranted Out?

Friday 7 May 2004

If you're reading this, it probably means you've followed my rants and gripes for years, and you know that I have a lot to say. It could be that I have an eye for stupidity and incompetence, coupled with the need to point it out (if not attempt to correct it.) Another possibility is that I try to hold myself to a higher standard, and can't tolerate anything less. A third possibility is that I'm just very, very strange.

Whichever it is, it's reached a breaking point, meaning that if I don't stop letting these things get to me, I'll go insane. I've come to realize that there's no way I can make a difference. Stupid people cannot suddenly be endowed with intelligence. Stupid laws cannot instantly be abolished. Decades of attitudes, problems, corruption, what-have-you cannot be fixed overnight. Thus, since there's nothing I can do, I need to learn to just let things go without taking on any stress over them.

Accordingly, there will be no venom in my rant today. Though it really disturbs me that the news this morning revealed that one out of four Americans will be watching the "Friends" final episode tonight. If Americans took a fraction of the attention they spend on television and instead turned it to dealing with real problems, we'd be a much better country.