Random Musings

Friday 15 August 2003

No ranting last week; I got tied up dealing with someone who hit my almost-new car and destroyed 4 body panels. It's amazing how many people I have to talk to and how many things I have to do to get this fixed, even though it's all happening at the financial expense of the woman who hit me. I shudder to think how much worse it would be if she had poor (or no) insurance.

It's even worse because by the time you read this, I'll be on vacation. I have to deal with this before leaving town for 1.5 weeks off. It stinks.

Now for the good news: I'm coming up on two months dating this girl I've fallen for, and at the risk of sounding like a teenager, I'll say that she's absolutely and totally the best overall girlfriend I've ever had. I couldn't be happier and I wonder how I got this lucky. There you have it, short and sweet.

It has occurred to me that in a way, these rants are a weblog. I don't generally care for the concept of weblogs, but that may be because they are now formalized and widespread. If you think about it, they are just a slicked-up way to do what I've been doing for years via my rants (here or elsewhere.) Still, I think it's silly to post daily updates about intimate details of one's life, and you won't see that from me.

Obviously, no rant next week, as I'll be away. If you're been following along you'll know that I greatly abhor all phones, pagers, and computers while on vacation. I intend to immerse myself in the beach for a week. Naturally, there will be some phone time on most or all of those nights, since this vacation was planned pre-girlfriend. I am confident that the next big vacation will be with her, rather than without.