Chapter #1177

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                       +      THE ADVENTURERS      +
                         +                       +
                           +      Epic VI      +
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+     Many of the locations, non-player characters, spells, and other     +
+   terms used in these stories are the property of Wizards of the Coast  +
+   which has in no way endorsed or authorized their use.  Any such       +
+   property contained within these stories are not representative of     +
+   Wizards of the Coast in any fashion.                                  +
+     The player characters depicted in these stories are copyright       +
+   1991-2024 by Thomas A. Miller.  Any resemblance to any persons        +
+   or characters either real or fictional is utterly coincidental.       +
+   Copying and/or distribution of these stories is permissible under     +
+   the sole condition that no money is made in the process.  In that     +
+   case, I hope you enjoy them!                                          +
+                                                                         +
+   THE BRIGHT ALLIANCE (and associates)                                  +
+                                                                         +
+   Alindyar       18th level dark elven wizard                           +
+     Lyra         14th level female drow wizard                          +
+   Belphanior     18th/18th/18th level elven fighter/wizard/thief        +
+     Hope           16th level female human wizard                       +
+       Poulos        8th level human warrior                             +
+     Irina          14th/7th level female human priestess/warrior        +
+     Neera          12th level female human wizard (sage/savant)         +
+       Arusha        6th level human female wizard/alchemist             +
+       Judhon        7th level gnomish illusionist                       +
+     Otto           12th/14th level dwarven fighter/thief                +
+     Paige          13th level human female warrior                      +
+     Razor Charlie  12th level human fighter                             +
+     Skektek        14th level human wizard                              +
+     Ys             14th level reptilian fighter                         +
+   Dexitheseus    17th level human wizard, jack of all trades            +
+   Kronos         ancient lich wizard                                    +
+   Pallin         18th level grey elven wizard, teleporter               +
+     Socrates     large albino hound                                     +
+   Parekh         18th level female human wizard, innovator              +
+     Drak         15th level human barbarian                             +
+   Wu             18th level human wizard, transmuter                    +
+     6 elite ogre magi                                                   +
+                                                                         +
+   Date:          7/22/586 C.Y. (Common Year)                            +
+   Time:          morning                                                +
+   Place:         the Brass Hills, within the Bright Desert              +
+   Climate:       hot and dry                                            +
+   "There’s a sacrifice to greatness...and it’s a price that a lot       +
+    of people are not willing to pay."                                   +
+                  - from _WWE Legends:  _Stone Cold_                     +

                   MCLXXVII.  Calm After the Storm

  Atop a small hill of gory, ruined bodies stood a single figure:  a tall,
lean elf clad in leather armor and a flowing red cape.  The latter items
were heavily stained with blood, both from his own wounds and from those
he'd inflicted upon the gory bodies all around him.  In his right hand was
held a longsword, its blade of the blackest metal, which rose and fell,
thrust and parried time and time again as if its wielder had an endless
supply of vigor and strength.  Dozens, no, hundreds of foes surrounded him
on every side, but whenever one of them got close enough, it tasted that
dark blade and quickly fell back - only to be replaced by another from
the nameless, faceless horde.  The elf continued with his grisly work,
oblivious to all else but the carnage and death...until he suddenly saw a
bright light in the sky, a light which then descended quickly, its glow
becoming stronger and brighter as it eclipsed all else-

Belphanior:  Aie!  (he abruptly sits up in bed, opening his eyes for the
  first time in a while)  What?!?
Neera:  (sitting next to the bed, she almost jumps up in surprise, then
  smiles, relieved)  Finally.
Otto:  (arms folded impassively across his chest)  Welcome back to the
  land of the living.
Belphanior:  (looking around)  (he realizes that his
  upper torso is completely bandaged, then experiences a wave of fatigue
  and sinks back onto the bed)  What happened?
Neera:  I wasn't there, so I'll let Otto explain it.
Otto:  Well, you took care of Shattados - and it's a good thing, too, as
  all of the other wizards were out of commission - but his dying move
  was to spear you with his stinger and its scorpion-venom.  Irina says
  your magical items gave you a chance so that her healing magic could
  save you.  (he grins)  Me, I say you're just too damn stubborn to die.
Neera:  Whatever the case may be, thank the gods.
Belphanior:  (wearily)  So Shattados...the Scorpion Crown?
Otto:  All taken care of.  It got dicey in there when we had to barricade
  the chamber and then creatures outside tried to get in, but they didn't
  have the strength to break through, and then Alindyar woke up, and then
  Lyra, and then the other wizards, one by one.  After that, well...their
  teleportation magic pretty much took care of the rest.
Belphanior:  (looks around)  We're all back in the Brass Hills?
Otto:  Yup.  (he frowns)  Except for Cespedes.  He's toast, or should I
  say dust.  But the others recovered from that mental blast or whatever
  the hell it was, although some of them aren't too happy that they fell
  victim to it in the first place.
Belphanior:  No, I'd guess not.
Otto:  I mean _our_ people who it knocked out are fine, but Kronos and
  Parekh in particular were fussing about how and why it happened.
Belphanior:  Was anyone else badly hurt?
Otto:  Razor Charlie and Drak fell in the final battle, but thanks to the
  healing potions we had - and Irina's efforts - they'll be fine.
Belphanior:  And the crown?
Otto:  Alindyar stashed it in some magical space.  (he shakes his head)
  I can't claim to understand it, but-
Neera:  I can.  It's a unique, temporary pocket dimension that he created
  just for that purpose.  Although he commented that the crown was trying
  its best to break free, and also suggested that locking it in the same
  shielded safe that holds your anti-magic sphere would be a wise course
  of action.
Belphanior:  I agree, one thousand percent.  Can you talk to him and make
  that happen as soon as possible?  I don't want to take any chances.  As
  before when we had to open that metal container, they'll need someone
  to help with the physical labor, as their magic won't function with the
  thing open.  Ys, and maybe Adolphus and Poulos could handle that.
Neera:  (nods)  I'll see to it.  (she leaves the small room)
Belphanior:  Where am I, exactly?
Otto:  In the upper floor of that weird metal fortress of Pallin's.  You
  were by far the most gravely wounded.  (he anticipates the elf's next
  question)  Two days, you've lain here recovering.
Belphanior:  I see.  (he frowns)  What about the other denizens of the
  buried palace?
Otto:  After we brought the wounded back here and everyone got sorted out,
  those who were well enough to fight made a quick trip back to check on
  things in the buried palace...that was yesterday.  Of the monsters that
  survived the battle, all of the bigger scorpions were dead, while the
  smaller ones were wandering around aimlessly.  None of those presented
  much of a problem.  Irina did have to destroy a few undead that still
  lingered, and we also found assorted others...a few shriekers, a gang
  of hook horrors, a couple of shambling mounds.  Also a little dragon-
  thing that could speak, and had been trapped in the place for a while.
  It was actually fairly helpful, letting us know what lurked where and
  also leading us to some scattered treasure in some of the rooms.  It's
  gone now - flew away once we got back to the desert surface.
Belphanior:  Thanks for taking care of that.
Otto:  Parekh ran the effort.  I just brought some of our people, and also
  some of Peyton's crew, along as ground support.
Belphanior:  I see.  What else was found down there?
Otto:  Well, old Shattados had quite a haul piled in his throne room, or
  whatever that big final chamber would be considered...tens of thousands
  of coins of various metals, a bunch of nice gemstones, and a handful of
  magical items.  All of that was merged into the main stash that all of
  you wizards have been keeping - a stash that now has a more permanent
  home, by the way.  The lower levels of the fortress-to-be are finally
  taking shape, and one of them contains a vault.  While it still lacks
  the many floors and such that will one day rest atop it, it's at least
  got four thick walls and a ceiling, and can be defended and guarded...
  which some of the others have seen to.
Belphanior:  (nods)  Between the treasure hoards of Rary and Shattados,
  plus what I contributed, we should have more than enough to get a new
  kingdom going, at least for the short term, until it can generate its
  own resources and revenue.  (he thinks for a moment, then frowns)  Of
  course, if some of the others would realize this and contribute some
  of their own funds, things might move a bit more can lead
  horses to water, but...
Otto:  Yeah.
Belphanior:  I suppose it's safe to say that the Bright Alliance could
  well have ended back there in Shattados' buried palace, as they were
  all helpless for a time after the scorpion-king's psychic attack.  (he
  exchanges glances with Otto)
Otto:  That would certainly have been an opportunity for their enemies,
  or for anyone opposed to the establishment of a new land and power in
  the region.  How fortunate, then, that the Bright Alliance did not
  perish beneath the desert's surface.
Belphanior:  Fortunate, indeed.  (he pauses, thinking)  I wonder when they
  will next reconvene to discuss all of this.
Otto:  Actually, I was asked to see if you'd be able to do it at midday
  today.  I know you're still recovering-
Belphanior:  I'll be there.
Otto:  (nods)  Kind of figured you would.
Belphanior:  I can't afford to miss it.  There's a lot of work still to
  be done, and-  (he grunts painfully as he sits up)  -I can't be delayed
  by something as trivial as an injury.
Otto:  Then this will help.  (he hands the elf a flask full of potent
  healing elixir)  Compliments of Irina.  (he doesn't mention that the
  high priestess relayed strict orders for Belphanior to drink the potion
  whether he got out of bed or not)
Belphanior:  Thanks.  (he quaffs the magical draught, tosses the bottle
  aside, and slowly gets to his feet)  Unh.  Yeah, Shattados definitely
  got in the last blow.
Otto:  But not the best blow.  He's a corpse now, while you and your
  allies have the crown.
Belphanior:  True.
Otto:  Actually, Shattados' body was magically disintegrated by Kronos in
  the moments after the lich woke up, two days ago.  He said something
  about needing to be sure.
Belphanior:  (smiles grimly)  I'd expect nothing less.
Otto:  (nods)  I'll let them know that you can be there.

  A couple of hours later, as the sun was at its zenith in the sky above,
the Bright Alliance reconvened for the first time since the eventful
expedition to the buried ruins of Utaa and Shattados' palace.  As before,
the group met within Pallin's magical iron fortress, which although its
location could vary, had rested in the same place for many weeks.  At the
rate construction was progressing, there might well be an actual chamber
and castle walls in place before the end of the year.

Parekh:  (arrives to find some seats around the table already occupied)
  Ah, Belphanior!  Are you feeling better?
Belphanior:  (thinks of the victory beneath the sands, and the group's
  acquisition of the Scorpion Crown)  Definitely.

  Momentarily, all of the others arrived and the group was complete...or
at least as complete as it was going to be.

Kronos:  (staring silently at the one empty seat at their table)
Dexitheseus:  (glances at the chair that had previously been occupied by
  Cespedes, ever since all of their work in the Bright Desert had begun)
Parekh:  There's no time to mince words, and no value in waiting.  Let's
  get to it.
Kronos:  Indeed.  I believe we all learned a valuable - and dangerous -
  lesson in this last endeavor.  Simply put, our best preparations may
  not always be enough.  Despite our power, we cannot anticipate, much
  less defend against, every single type of attack.
Parekh:  Agreed.  (she frowns)  Well, I think we'd all agree, but surely
  you see my point.
Belphanior:  (clears his throat)  I do agree, but I would also remind you
  that we won in the end.
Pallin:  We did, but that could easily be described as a fluke.
Parekh:  (nods)  A couple of the group withstood the psionic attack, and
  those plus a handful of warriors happened to win the day while the bulk
  of us were unconscious.  It doesn't sit well with me, for one.
Pallin:  Nor me.  As a reminder, I would mention that not all of us have
  clones growing in secret tanks somewhere.  Those are not easy to spawn
  or maintain, or to transfer one's soul to in a dire event...and there
  are serious risks.  I cannot be the only one of this body who has long
  avoided taking such chances.
Dexitheseus:  You're not.
Parekh:  One assumes that poor Cespedes did not take such measures.
Pallin:  If he did, we likely wouldn't know yet.
Kronos:  We need to find his lair, wherever in the world it may be.  (he
  begins thinking about methods of finding such a place)
Alindyar:  Someone will also need to learn how to control both the golem
  of adamant and the dwarf of iron.  And assume responsibility for all of
  the things that Cespedes was doing with the construction efforts here.
Parekh:  We'll add all of that to the list.  Anyhow, my point remains...
  what happened was unacceptable.
Belphanior:  May I make a well-reasoned that you may
  not like hearing?
Kronos:  (frowns, his crimson eyes unreadable)
Parekh:  Go ahead.  This, after all, a place for intelligent debate.
Alindyar:  If the eight of us cannot debate intelligently, then I would
  posit that no one can.
Lyra:  Agreed.  (to Belphanior)  Share your thoughts, please.
Belphanior:  This may be a byproduct of focusing more on research and
  study than frequent, challenging trips out into the world to battle
  foes and gain power, but you people need to change your thinking.
Parekh:  I beg your pardon?
Belphanior:  (shaking his head)  You won, but rather than enjoy the win
  and all that it brings, you're upset because you didn't win exactly the
  way you wanted.  (he folds his arms)  Yes, you didn't win the day - a
  smaller subset of the group, composed of those who wield weapons rather
  than magic - won the day.  It's not the end of the world - in fact, if
  anything it's the normal life of adventurers and dungeon-delvers across
  the world.  I've been doing it for over two decades.  Sometimes wizards
  turn the tide of a battle, other times it could be the warriors, even a
  single thief with a well-placed attack on the right foe at the right
  time.  I've seen all of these outcomes and more.  The point is, having
  a wide variety of capabilities and the teamwork to use them effectively
  toward the greater goal is a sign of a complete and well-functioning
  team.  I have people I trust completely, with my life...people I know
  I can count on to work together and overcome problems...not only in the
  best of times but also in the deepest and most dangerous situations.  I
  can tell you now, that's been one secret to my success - I don't rely
  only on myself, my own powers and experience.  I rely on the overall
  team, with their various capabilities.  (he looks around the room)  And
  maybe you need to do the same.
Wu:  (thinking of his half-dozen elite ogre magi, who would have done the
  same things the elf speaks of had they not been felled by the psionic
  blast)  With our own teams, of course.
Belphanior:  Of course.  And also within this group.  (he looks around)  I
  might fall in a battle - and if I do, I know that Parekh or Alindyar or
  Pallin or Kronos or another of this group will take up the fight and win
  in the end.  And you have to know that already, going into the battle...
  not worry about it during the fighting.  (he stops to catch his breath)
Alindyar:  These are interesting insights.
Belphanior:  We have potential here within this group.  Vast potential.
Kronos:  (thinking of the Scorpion Crown and what its removal and eventual
  destruction could mean)  Especially now.
Belphanior:  So that's all I'm saying.  Yes, we could have improved our
  tactics, maybe hit the buried palace differently.  So we learn from it
  and we adapt - but we don't fuss and fret over what's in the past.  We
  move on and get stronger.
Wu:  (nods)  Stronger is good.
Parekh:  (sighs)  Your sentiments are well-intentioned, and I understand
  your point.  But I need to get past the "learn from it" part.
Kronos:  It is simple.  We never again venture to a dangerous site with
  our full number.
Alindyar:  Lyra and I concur.  Having the entirety of our number beneath
  the sands was a perilous move.
Pallin:  The power and capabilities gave us an immense advantage, but the
  risk, in retrospect, was too great.
Dexitheseus:  Agreed.
Belphanior:  Hell, I agree too.  Next time we'll hold some of our forces
  back, just in case.  (he frowns)  But can we agree that there won't _be_
  a next time, not one like that, because now we have the crown?
Kronos:  I would agree.  Let us discuss the crown now.  Parekh?
Parekh:  (gently forced to stop fussing since she's the one who knows the
  details and disposition of the evil artifact, thanks to being recently
  briefed again by Neera)  Very well.  Slaying the ancient king Shattados
  did not lift the curse - that's important to know.  And if another was
  stupid enough to put the crown on his or her head, their subjects and
  such would suffer the same vile transformation that befell the people
  of Sulm more than two thousand years ago.
Alindyar:  That would be unfortunate.
Dexitheseus:  I never even got to lay eyes on the thing.
Lyra:  You didn't miss much.
Belphanior:  For those who didn't see it, or didn't get a good look at
  it, the thing is a crown of black iron shaped like a scorpion, the legs
  forming the headband and reaching down the sides of the head, and the
  tail-stinger arcing up from the back and over the top.  Of course, for
  now it's secured inside the same thick, leaden chest that I've used to
  safely hold the anti-magic sphere for all these years.
Alindyar:  Aye.  The dangers of keeping it in my pocket dimension were too
  great.  The crown _wants_ to escape, and to be worn again...and it was
  crying out for help.  Loudly.  (he frowns)  There is no telling what
  extra- or inter-dimensional beings might have eventually heard such a
  cry, had it been allowed to continue for long.
Kronos:  So it's locked in a place where its powers won't function, much
  less attract attention.
Alindyar:  Aye, thanks to friend Belphanior and that strange, unique piece
  of rock.
Belphanior:  (wondering if the dark elf remembers that the sphere may in
  fact be the inert egg of the believed-extinct grey dragon species)
Dexitheseus:  I have another question.  If others in the world learn that
  we liberated the Scorpion Crown, might they come in search of its power?
Parekh:  That is highly likely.  Which is why we need to get the thing to
  the Hellfurnaces as soon as possible, and see it destroyed once and for
  all.  Doing so will end the curse that ails this region, which should
  then pave the way for a number of things to happen.
Kronos:  (his red eyes glowing)  I suggest that we waste no time, then.

next:        the quest gets underway
released:    11/22/2024
notes:       As I've said a hundred times before, and will likely say a
  hundred times more as long as I'm writing these stories, I can't stand
  when loose ends really pile up.  So this episode had a dual mission
  statement:  first, advance the plot (out of the buried palace and back
  into "normal" above-ground life in the Bright Desert) and second, list
  loose ends and questions from this and other arcs and sub-arcs and then
  resolve as many of them as possible.
    About the upcoming mission to destroy the crown:  don't expect a big,
  complicated story arc.  This isn't Lord of the Rings.  These extremely
  powerful archmagi should have very little trouble getting the thing to
  (over) the Hellfurnaces and tossing it in.  Not to make light of the
  destruction of an artifact, but this one really doesn't have to be long
  and drawn-out.
    After that important business is done, don't be surprised if I do a
  fast-forward of a few months to show progress on the various initiatives
  in the Bright Desert region.  It's not me being lazy (although I can be
  at times) but more me not seeing the need to show every single detail,
  particularly from the characters' points of view.
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