Chapter #1142
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+ Epic VI +
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+ Many of the locations, non-player characters, spells, and other +
+ terms used in these stories are the property of Wizards of the Coast +
+ which has in no way endorsed or authorized their use. Any such +
+ property contained within these stories are not representative of +
+ Wizards of the Coast in any fashion. +
+ The player characters depicted in these stories are copyright +
+ 1991-2024 by Thomas A. Miller. Any resemblance to any persons +
+ or characters either real or fictional is utterly coincidental. +
+ Copying and/or distribution of these stories is permissible under +
+ the sole condition that no money is made in the process. In that +
+ case, I hope you enjoy them! +
+ Belphanior 18th/18th/18th level elven fighter/wizard/thief +
+ Hope 16th level female human wizard +
+ Poulos 8th level human warrior +
+ Irina 14th/7th level female human priestess/warrior +
+ Neera 12th level female human wizard (sage/astrologer) +
+ Arusha 6th level human female wizard/alchemist +
+ Judhon 7th level gnomish illusionist +
+ Otto 12th/14th level dwarven fighter/thief +
+ Paige 13th level human female warrior +
+ Razor Charlie 12th level human fighter +
+ Skektek 14th level human wizard +
+ Ys 14th level reptilian fighter +
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+ Mongo 20th level dwarven fighter +
+ Date: 6/14/586 C.Y. (Common Year) +
+ Time: late afternoon +
+ Place: the town of Flen, in the Good Hills +
+ Climate: cool +
+ "Big dreams require big actions.” +
+ - from _Queer Eye_ episode _Snow White of Central Texas_ +
MCXLII. A Historic Pact
After leaving a contract team - the wily Peyton Farquhar and his five
companions - with the hill barbarians, Belphanior and his main team have
ventured to the Good Hills to keep a promise that the elf made to an old
Mongo: (slams his empty mug on the table, roaring) By Moradin's hoary
beard, this is some damn good news!
Belphanior: (nods slightly) I told you that after I took care of my own
business, I'd be back to help you with yours.
The group had used magical means to travel here, to save time and make
life easier. After making up his mind to pursue this course of action,
Belphanior didn't want to waste any time.
Mongo: That you did. And from your tale, it sounds like you did a hell
of a job getting your things back. Squashed old Rary like a bug, huh?
Belphanior: (recalling that day) More like surprised the hell out of him
and then took his head, but the end result was the same.
Mongo: And now you and your friends have a wasteland that you want to
settle and fortify. (he shrugs) It's a good plan. In your boots, I'd
probably do the same thing.
Belphanior: (glances at his people, who are busy feasting and drinking
with Mongo's officers, who are catching them up on local skirmishes and
other events)
The last time Belphanior was here, about two months ago, only a few of
his team - Skektek, Paige, and Razor Charlie - had been with him. During
that visit, Mongo had shared his tales of wandering after the defeat of
the dragon he'd passed through the Yatil Mountains and made
his way through the region - fighting giants, ogres, and humanoids the
whole way - before ending up in the Sterich/Geoff area and doing the same
thing for the entirety of the Greyhawk Wars. The dwarf had made a major
difference, and was one reason that the hostile foes hadn't advanced even
further and taken more of these lands, but there was still a lot of work
to be done...dangerous and violent work.
Belphanior: That's why I'm here. When last we talked, you told me that
the displaced people of Sterich and Geoff might one day reclaim their
lands and return there, and that multiple armies were forming to make
that attempt. (he crosses his arms) So I ask you now: what can my
companions and I do here, today, to help you in that effort?
Mongo: Well. (he takes a long drink from his mug, then sets it on the
table, wiping his beard with the back of one hand) The closest target
would be Istivin, former capital of Sterich. It's just a few days to
the west, overrun by all sorts of scum - mostly humanoids, as scouting
reports have most of the giants having moved to the north, in Geoff.
(he frowns) Which would make that the next objective, but one thing
at a time. If we can re-take Istivin, that would be a hell of a first
step. Purging it of enemies, then using it as a central point to move
out across the rest of Sterich...maybe, just maybe, we could win back
the land.
Belphanior: And who is "we" ? I know you have a sizable force here, but
you'll need more - a lot more - to do what you're talking about.
Mongo: The people of Sterich are scattered all about...the Yeomanry, Gran
March, even Keoland. That includes a lot of surviving infantry and
cavalry, and they've all been itching to regroup, bolster their ranks,
and re-take their homeland. There are also a number of mountain dwarves
from the area, most of them right here in the Good Hills. The halflings
and gnomes of this region would surely aid in such a fight. I think the
time is ripe - reports have the farms destroyed, the livestock eaten...
the hostile occupants of Sterich will soon run out of food and supplies.
I think everything was coming together anyway, but if you have magical
aid to lend here....this is likely the best chance we'll get to send
the humanoids and giants to hell, or at least back into the Crystalmist
Mountains from which they came.
Belphanior: Say no more. We will help. It wouldn't be the first time
I've declared war on a city.
Mongo: But. (he eyes the elf sternly) Realize that there are hundreds
of former citizens of Sterich kept within that capital city...whether
for slavery or entertainment or food, I couldn't tell you, but if there
is even a chance they're still alive, we have to try to save them. So
no bombing the whole city with fireballs, or any of that.
Skektek: (overhearing this as he stands nearby, he shakes his head sadly)
Mongo: And on the same topic, we really wouldn't want to destroy the city
as we take it back - not if it can be avoided. I know that war is hell
and you can't make an omelet without breaking some eggs, and all that,
but when this is over, the people of Sterich will need a place to come
back to.
Belphanior: It'll be fine. We'll do as little damage as possible. (he
ponders the variables) I just need to think about this tactically.
Mongo: Maybe a one-two punch? We enter the land with an army, crush all
in our path as we quickly and efficiently make our way to Istivin, and
then we assault the city...while you go at it another way, with magic?
Belphanior: Something like that, but offhand I'm thinking it would be
better for us to go in first, maybe take out whoever's in charge...and
then open the city gates from within, making things a lot easier.
Mongo: (nods) I like it.
Belphanior: I can do fact, I can secure the help of several of
the other wizards, and believe me when I tell you that such help will
be a huge asset to your attack.
Mongo: Damn right! (he cracks his knuckles) It'll take a few days,
maybe a week, to get everyone organized. And we'll have to move fast,
before any spies they might have beyond Sterich figure out what's going
on. But it can be done. I have the military clout now, and I know who
to talk to.
Belphanior: But first...there's one other thing we'll need from you.
Mongo: Huh? What's that?
Belphanior: My allies will help, and can provide you with something you
don't have here, which is an overwhelming amount of magical power. But
we - they, really - need something you have which they don't. Something
that you won't need for this assault on Sterich. Something that can be
at work even as we move to reclaim that kingdom for its displaced people
and crush the invading hordes.
Mongo: (crosses his arms) Whatever you need, I'll grant it if I'm able.
Belphanior: In the Bright Desert, we are building strongholds and forts
as soon as we're able. We have raw material, and we have golems and
elementals for raw labor. What we lack is the skill and experience to
put it all together, done right, and done fast. (he nods to Mongo) We
need dwarven miners and builders.
Mongo: There are plenty in these parts. They've been doing odd jobs and
such, waiting for that day when they can return to their homes in the
hills and mountains that border Sterich.
Belphanior: I thought as much. So I propose that we get them to work in
the desert, and while they aid my allies there, we will aid your cause
here. (he grins) They do some building, while we do some fighting...
and when it's all over, everybody wins. (he regards the dwarf) Do you
think this might be possible?
Mongo: (stroking his unkempt beard) It'll'll take some doing...
but...(he nods, grinning) I think we can take that deal.
next: back to the mines, and the Misadventurers
released: 3/22/2024
notes: This arc builds on the events of episodes 1109-1110 which
happened about two months ago in fictional time.
For many years (and hundreds of episodes) I actively resisted writing
anything that would cause my version of the world of Greyhawk to diverge
from published canon. Maybe I was afraid, maybe I wasn't ready...can't
say. But I'm there now, ever since episode 1125. I've officially begun
to branch out on my own, for real, and it feels pretty good. If this
was a Marvel Comics story, I'd have just created Earth-9999 or whatever
which is what they do every time they need to name and acknowledge an
alternate reality where things went differently from the "main" Marvel
superhero universe. In fact...I heretofore dub my version of the Gygax
campaign setting/world as...Oerth-43.
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