Chapter #1118

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                       +      THE ADVENTURERS      +
                         +                       +
                           +      Epic VI      +
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+     Many of the locations, non-player characters, spells, and other     +
+   terms used in these stories are the property of Wizards of the Coast  +
+   which has in no way endorsed or authorized their use.  Any such       +
+   property contained within these stories are not representative of     +
+   Wizards of the Coast in any fashion.                                  +
+     The player characters depicted in these stories are copyright       +
+   1991-2022 by Thomas A. Miller.  Any resemblance to any persons        +
+   or characters either real or fictional is utterly coincidental.       +
+   Copying and/or distribution of these stories is permissible under     +
+   the sole condition that no money is made in the process.  In that     +
+   case, I hope you enjoy them!                                          +
+   BELPHANIOR'S TEAM                                                     +
+                                                                         +
+   Belphanior     18th/18th/18th level elven fighter/wizard/thief        +
+   Neera          12th level female human wizard (sage/astrologer)       +
+                                                                         +
+                                                                         +
+                                                                         +
+   THE CABAL                                                             +
+                                                                         +
+   Alindyar       18th level dark elven wizard                           +
+     Lyra         14th level female drow wizard                          +
+   Cespedes       19th level human wizard, elementalist                  +
+   Dexitheseus    17th level human wizard, jack of all trades            +
+   Kronos         ancient lich wizard                                    +
+   Pallin         18th level grey elven wizard of Celestian, teleporter  +
+   Parekh         18th level female human wizard, innovator              +
+   Wu             18th level human wizard, transmuter                    +
+   Date:          4/20/586 C.Y. (Common Year)                            +
+   Time:          midday                                                 +
+   Place:         Parekh's home (exact location unknown)                 +
+   Climate:       cool and pleasant                                      +
+   "Society operates by consensus.  We all agree to abide by the         +
+    rules.  What you need to understand...what I have only begun to      +
+ that you and I are outside that system.  And I'm     +
+    slowly starting to figure out just what that really means."          +
+                  - Mark Milton, from _Supreme Power_                    +

                   MCXVIII.  Historic Union

  After learning that his vault and magical treasures were plundered by
none other than the renegade archmage Rary, Belphanior discussed matters
with some of Parekh's group...and concluded with one hell of a pitch to

Belphanior:  (to Neera)  How do you think that went?

  They were sitting in one of the multiple chambers within Parekh's home
that had been used for gatherings over the years.  This one held a large
table, suitable for seating a dozen people, with a sturdy base of ancient
dark wood.  Belphanior and Neera had been in other rooms here (such as the
much larger one with three tables, which had held the elf's entire group
upon its return from the dark domains) but Parekh had brought them here
after Belphanior's impassioned speech and call to action.  She had then
told them to wait while she and the others conferred with their absent
allies...and so here they sat, thinking about the recent conversation as
they waited.

Neera:  It went well...very well.  Your points were valid, and your ideas
Lyra:  (walks into the room)  Agreed.  (she pulls a chair out, and sits
  down, regarding Belphanior)  I have known you for over a decade, and
  we have shared many adventures...and I can truthfully say that your
  focus has shifted over those years, from yourself and your companions
  to a broader view of the world and its people.
Belphanior:  (considers this, realizing it to be the truth)  Uh...thanks.
  (he frowns)  But shouldn't you be with-
Lyra:  The others?  Not necessary.  While Alindyar is the actual official
  member of Parekh's little band, he and I are of one mind, and there are
  no secrets between us.  He can go with them and participate in their
  talks; I have no desire to.  (she points at the elf)  Your logic, and
  your ideas, make good sense to me.  We are all more powerful together
  than apart - and while Parekh had the idea and assembled her cabal of
  archmagi, there is no need for them to hide in the shadows of the world
  and work in secrecy like some other such groups.
Belphanior:  Exactly!  The Circle of Eight are well-known, individually
  and as a group, but their decisions are not, nor are the methods used to
  make those decisions.  And I've not seen any real evidence of anything
  they've accomplished...other than a few of them helping out every now
  and again.
Lyra:  (nods)  Alindyar already knows this, as does Parekh.
Belphanior:  And then there are others, like the Crimson Blades, who
  certainly operated openly...but were also evil, destructive, and cruel.
  They did nothing beneficial for the world - and now they're gone.
Lyra:  Gone, eliminated by pretty much the same group you'd form if you
  could convince the others to help rid the world of Rary.
Belphanior:  And many of whom also helped deal with the vampire city of
  Skava-Ra...not to mention the fortress of Xusia and his allies before
  that.  (he smacks the wooden table with one palm)  This is exactly what
  I'm talking about...we've _already_ done many great things that helped
  better this world!  Why stop now?  Rary's just one of many such foes
  who have largely been ignored, or not dealt with.  Others lack the will
  to deal with these enemies...or the power.  But this group - if it can
  come together and cooperate - can work change in the world, real change.
Lyra:  I agree.
Belphanior:  Rary would only be the beginning.
Lyra:  Again, I agree.
Neera:  But it will be critical to avoid making the mistakes that others
  have made before.  Xusia's mistake was collecting a vast quantity of
  powerful weapons and other useful items, but not trusting any of his
  allies enough to share, to spread that power out and equip an army the
  likes of which the world has never seen, and which would have been damn
  near unstoppable.  (she frowns)  And Mesoloth...the dragon's mistake
  was hoarding a similarly great amount of powerful magic items, but not
  having, or wanting, anyone to share them with...hundreds of such things
  mean little when an individual can only employ a handful of such items
  at a time.
Belphanior:  (nodding)  And the Circle of Eight's mistake was - is - the
  same as its predecessor, the Citadel of Eight...they are guided by only
  one, who pursues balance over solving actual problems, and has supported
  exactly the sort of endless bickering that prevents anything meaningful
  from ever getting done.
Lyra:  Exactly.  They are not bad people - well, excluding Rary who went
  rogue and killed two of his comrades - but they lack focus, and ofttimes
  the sort of purpose that produces results.  (she frowns)  Alindyar and
  I have discussed this among ourselves for years.
Neera:  Sounds like you two are in.
Lyra:  (smiles thinly)  But we must see what the others say...Parekh and
  Pallin - and Alindyar - are even now making the case to Cespedes and Wu
  and Dexitheseus.
Belphanior:  Don't forget Kronos.
Lyra:  How could I?  (she eyes the elf)  To be honest, he is probably as
  close to you as he is to anyone.  Technically, you freed him from his
  centuries-long slumber, and have aided him in multiple matters that had
  great importance to him.  You may well have an advantage over Parekh,
  when it comes to swaying the lich's opinion.
Belphanior:  (considers this)'re right.
Lyra:  (nods)  Of course I am.
Neera:  I would guess that Parekh's on board anyway.  While she put this
  group together, with a lot of time and effort, she's not the sort to be
  possessive or protective.  Her work thus far has been to help those who
  need help, and combat tyranny and evil wherever possible.  If achieving
  that means a larger group, or the inclusion of new ideas and opinions,
  she will understand and modify her plans, and her course of action.
Belphanior:  (considers this as well)

  The elf hadn't thought about these things in a unified context before,
but he now realized for the first time how much he'd helped both Parekh
and Kronos over the years...and if they were now aligned, that was likely
good news for Belphanior and his plans.

Belphanior:  I wonder when they'll return.
Neera:  There is no real hurry.
Belphanior:  There isn't?  What about our purloined treasure?
Neera: on Oerth, four years have passed since it was
Belphanior:  Ah, yes.  It's easy to forget that.
Neera:  After four years, another day or two for planning and preparation
  won't make a difference.
Lyra:  And gathering of allies.

  As if on cue, footsteps and voices could now be heard from some nearby
room, gradually drawing closer...

Parekh:  (enters the chamber, followed by six others)
Alindyar:  (nods to Belphanior as he takes a seat at the table)
Kronos:  (follows suit, steepling his fingers, his hooded face betraying
  no expression or emotion, his red eyes calmly surveying the chamber and
  the others within)
Pallin:  (sits down next to Parekh)
Cespedes:  (scans the room, his disinterested expression and metallic
  skull-cap making him appear sinister even though he's technically an
  ally among this group)  Hm.  (he finds the closest free seat and quickly
  settles into it)
Dexitheseus:  (stroking his grey beard, he speaks to no one in particular
  as he also chooses a chair and joins the others at the table)  And here
  we all are.
Wu:  (last but not least, he makes his way to the table and slowly eases
  his wizened form into a chair, smiling)  Greetings!
Belphanior:  (waits, quietly pondering the differences between a group
  that includes all of these individuals and a group that contains only
  some of them...or none)
Parekh:  We have discussed your proposal, and reached a decision.  I will
  invite each of the group to share their thoughts now, and I'll start.
  (she clears her throat)  I initially had the idea to form what became
  this group - this cabal, as some would call it - because the world had
  need of a powerful, unified group to stop evil and right wrongs that
  regular people couldn't.  I sought out wizards because magic is what I
  know and deal in...and I sought out only the most powerful wizards due
  to the nature of the work that needed to be done.  (to Belphanior)  The
  first time we met, there was conflict.  After that, I aided you as I
  saw fit, which over the years has been more and more often, and with
  ever-increasing involvement and risk on my part.  But also reward.  It
  makes perfect sense to me that we not only embrace your idea, but also
  welcome you into our ranks as well - even as we change the nature and
  the focus of the overall group.  We may have missed the wars that shook
  our world, but it is my intention to make up for it, starting now.

  With that, the dark-skinned sorceress smiled thinly, folding her slender
arms as she turned to the next of the assembled wizards.

Pallin:  Parekh just said almost everything that I could have, and with a
  great deal more emotion than I could ever muster.  However, I will add
  this:  I, too, have watched your...undertakings all this time, and you
  have changed.  Your proposed course of action, and the greater plan to
  be undertaken afterward, makes a great deal of sense...and has my vote.
Dexitheseus:  (coughs, then turns to the elf)  I've been around a while,
  and had more adventures than I can count, with companions whose recent
  exploits have led them to cross paths with you and many of your own past
  comrades.  Yod Ironbeard, king among dwarves...the most exalted Relmar,
  high priest of Pelor...the noble knight Sir Drexel...the elven rogue
  Eyer...the Great Druid Oakly Greenleaf, whose son-in-law used to travel
  the world with you...the hulking barbarian Tarl...Lord Marcus, formerly
  of Greyspire and a general who serves no kingdom...the master thief Kup
  Swiftfoot...(he sighs)  Despite our numerous and varied successes, we
  never had this idea, although we should have; while we did great things
  later, it was after we'd gone our separate ways.  Which is why I joined
  the alliance that Parekh recently put together...and which is why I'm
  all for altering it slightly to make it more proactive, more effective,
  and more visible.  (wearily)  This is a world wounded, and it needs help
  of the sort that only we can provide.  If not us...who?  If not now...
  when?  The time is ripe and the challenges are out there.  (he stifles
  a yawn)  Apologies.  Long speeches always tire me out.  (he nods to Wu,
  seated next to him)
Wu:  Long ago...even longer than him-  (he eyes Dexitheseus)  -I left my
  homeland to wander the world for adventure, treasure, and knowledge.  I
  now have all three, but before Greyspire and this group, I had no great
  purpose.  (he shrugs, as if that explains everything)  And now I do.  If
  this path leads to my final adventure in life, it will be a worthy one.
Belphanior:  (greatly pleased by everyone's words so far, he carefully
  keeps his expression neutral...especially as the next wizard prepares
  to speak)
Cespedes:  I will keep this simple.  I lack the passion that others have
  for this endeavor.  But yet, I am on a constant quest for the most rare
  and powerful magical knowledge that can be found.  If this partnership
  helps me find those things I seek - and I believe it will - then you
  can count me among its members.
Parekh:  (frowns, briefly and ever so slightly, knowing that the strange
  wizard has always been somewhat less enthusiastic and altruistic than
  the others)
Alindyar:  (quickly speaks up before an awkward silence can form)  I will
  echo what Parekh said first, except that I have known Belphanior much
  longer.  (he regards the other elf)  When first we met, you were chaotic
  beyond belief, and I honestly assumed you would perish, soon and in some
  bad way.  But not only did you survive...not only did you
  always did what was right, or tried to.  The right course of action was
  seldom the easy one, yet you persevered.  And this is precisely why Lyra
  and I have followed you into adventure - and sometimes battle - in your
  recent challenges.  (he nods to Belphanior)  I would be proud to have
  you among our number, and aid you in perhaps your most challenging task
  to date.  (he turns his gaze to Lyra)
Lyra:  (simply nods her assent)
Kronos:  I suppose that leaves me.  (he pauses, searching for the right
  words)  Forgive me.  I have generally been a solitary individual, for
  a very long time, and am not used to companions, much less...allies.
  (he slowly surveys the room, then settles his gaze on Belphanior)  You
  have done much than I am thankful for, to be sure, but the greatest of
  those deeds was inadvertently causing me to remember importance and the
  impact of having a higher purpose.  Long ago, I had such a purpose, but
  I gradually  lost sight of such things over the centuries, retreating
  from the world and then forgetting about it.  (he frowns)  Until recent
  times, when the desire to do...more has crept back into my thoughts.

  The strange lich sat back in his chair, both pale hands resting on the
edge of the table in front of him as he chose his next words carefully.

Kronos:  After we returned from the Center of Time and I undertook a quick
  study of the events of our five year absence, I saw much that troubled
  me.  As I then recounted those tales to the group, I found myself even
  more troubled.  So.  (he turns to Parekh)  I never gave you an answer,
  after your multiple invitations.  (he returns his gaze to Belphanior)
  And your idea has great potential - both the seeking of justice for the
  traitor, and the continued involvement in world affairs.  My answer, to
  both of you, now united in common yes.

  Far away, in Greyhawk's temple of Istus, the high priestess Fiorina
was deep in meditation...until she received a sudden and powerful vision
from her goddess Istus, Lady of Fate.

Fiorina:  (wide-eyed)  Oh, my.  It has begun.

next:       Belphanior confers with one other group
released:   7/29/2022
notes:      Over the years, I've dropped a number of hints or signs that
  things might have been moving toward something like this.  Consider:

     881 - the Cabal talked about helping the people of the Flanaess
     995 - Belphanior values magic/knowledge over money
    1005 - Belphanior wants to deal with bad people/problems
    1073 - Belphanior's thinking on treasure shifts toward community
    1075 - Belphanior ponders the powerful non-combat items he has

    Not that I hold characters too closely to the AD&D alignment system,
  but I honestly think that Belphanior has shifted from Chaotic Neutral
  to Neutral...or perhaps even chaotic Good.
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