Chapter #1111

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                         +                       +
                       +      THE ADVENTURERS      +
                         +                       +
                           +      Epic VI      +
                             +               +
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+     Many of the locations, non-player characters, spells, and other     +
+   terms used in these stories are the property of Wizards of the Coast  +
+   which has in no way endorsed or authorized their use.  Any such       +
+   property contained within these stories are not representative of     +
+   Wizards of the Coast in any fashion.                                  +
+     The player characters depicted in these stories are copyright       +
+   1991-2022 by Thomas A. Miller.  Any resemblance to any persons        +
+   or characters either real or fictional is utterly coincidental.       +
+   Copying and/or distribution of these stories is permissible under     +
+   the sole condition that no money is made in the process.  In that     +
+   case, I hope you enjoy them!                                          +
+   Belphanior     18th/18th/18th level elven fighter/wizard/thief        +
+   Paige          13th level human female warrior                        +
+   Razor Charlie  12th level human fighter                               +
+   Skektek        14th level human wizard                                +
+                                                                         +
+   Halbarad       16th level human ranger of Ehlonna                     +
+   Date:          4/18/586 C.Y. (Common Year)                            +
+   Time:          midday                                                 +
+   Place:         just outside Chendl, capital of Furyondy               +
+   Climate:       cool                                                   +
+   "I'm better at this than they are.  To them it's a job.  To me        +
+    it's a war."                                                         +
+                  - from _Punisher_ volume 1 issue 49                    +

                   MCXI.  Halbarad's Tale

  After locating and catching up with Mongo amidst the Good Hills, the
group has now ventured to Chendl, capital of Furyondy.

Belphanior:  You may be wondering why we don't ever just teleport right
  into a city, town, or other place.  One reason is that it's less risky
  to arrive in an open area, outside of the dense hustle and bustle of
  an occupied place...less chance of appearing above the ground, halfway
  within the solid stone of a wall, and so on.  Another reason is that
  some places - Greyhawk comes to mind - tend to overreact when people
  magically appear within their environs.  (he looks around)  Especially,
  I'd imagine, these days.

  Chendl, the crown jewel of Furyondy and one of the largest and proudest
capital cities in the Flanaess, still stood...but had clearly seen better
days.  Both the great city and its environs were still in the rebuilding
phase; stone walls showed scars from catapult stones as well as fire, and
ravaged fields had only recently been cleared and replanted.  People were
busy, but also appeared weary as they went about laborious
that had surely been in progress for many long months.

Paige:  (surveying the odd scene)  You can almost smell the bodies of the
  slain.  This must have been one hell of a battle.
Skektek:  (thinking about where he'd have stood on the city's ramparts,
  had be been present, and how he'd have rained violent magical death
  down upon the attackers)
child:  (dirty and shoeless, he scampers amidst the work of the adults,
  chased by a few others)
Razor Charlie:  (used to this sort of hardship in his life, he simply
Belphanior:  The scroll shows Halbarad very close by...not even in the
  city.  (he leads the way)

  As was the case in the Good Hills, they didn't get far before they were
stopped and challenged.  Unlike the forces in that distant region, the
soldiers of Furyondy were a bit less serious and suspecting, perhaps due
to the fact that their capital had not fallen and that it had been almost
two years since that siege.

random guard:  (looking them over)  -and we could use you here.  Things
  may seem quiet now, but it's a sure bet that more fighting is coming.
  (he stares at an undetermined point in the afternoon sky)  Might be a
  year, might be ten...but the forces of Iuz don't sleep.
Belphanior:  Of course they don't.  But for now, I've come seeking an old
  friend, a ranger named Halbarad.  I have it on good authority that he's
  in Chendl.
random guard:  (looks puzzled)  I wish I could help you, but there're a
  few hundred rangers around here right now, and I don't know all their
Belphanior:  That's fine.  (having looked at the Seeking Scroll a few
  moments ago, he has a good idea where the ranger is located)  I'd like
  to go look for him, if that's okay.
random guard:  No worries, mate.  Just try and stay out of the way.

  Following his enchanted map, the elf led the others through a mix of
laborers, soldiers, and farmers going about their business...until they
finally approached a cloaked, dusty figure whose back was turned to them.

Belphanior:  Hmm.  (eyeing the scroll, then the figure)  Halbarad?
figure:  (stiffens slightly, then turns)

  As the elf sized up his old adventuring companion, it was clear that
the ranger was older and more world-weary.  His hair, once light brown,
had begun to gray (and also seemed more unkempt than usual for someone
who spent most of his time outdoors, in the wild).  The lines in his face
were a bit deeper, and his eyes spoke of the countless battle and death
he'd witnessed in recent years.

Halbarad:  Belphanior?  What are you doing here?
Belphanior:  I'd ask you the same thing, but I think I have a pretty good
  idea.  Is there somewhere we can talk?
Halbarad:  How about right here?  I don't have a tent, at least not one
  large enough for anything but sleeping.
Belphanior:  (not really comfortable sharing stories in public, he frowns
  as he watches random people walk by)
Halbarad:  One place is as good as another.  Look around you - none of
  these people care.
Belphanior:  That may be, but I do.
Halbarad:  Let's take a walk, then.

  And they did...out of the hustle and bustle of the rebuilding efforts
outside of the war-torn but still majestic city that loomed over them and
dominated the surrounding landscape.  A short time later, they were moving
across gentle grasslands, at least a hundred feet from any strangers.

Belphanior:  It's good to see you.  Peldor told me about that business in
  the ocean, and on some lost island.
Halbarad:  (clenches his jaw)  Yes.  I would still like to hold someone
  responsible for the failure - failures - of that endeavor, but I've been
  busy with other recent events.  (he regards the elf)  Are you going to
  introduce me to your companions?
Belphanior:  Oh, sorry.  Sometimes I get occupied with matters at hand,
  and completely forget myself.

  Introductions were made all around, and the grim ranger seemed to be
assessing each of the others and their value in a battle.

Halbarad:  We could have used you - all of you - in the wars.
Belphanior:  I know, and that's what Mongo said.  I'm always up for some
  fighting, you know that.  But we've been...away.

  For the second time today, the elf recounted his recent adventures,
which had twice taken him to other worlds and had twice returned him to
Oerth only to find that more time had passed than expected.

Belphanior:  -so we lost five years, and missed the wars entirely.
Halbarad:  That is...interesting.  Given the company you were in, I can
  only imagine that some things might have turned out differently, had
  all of you been on this world.
Belphanior:  What about you?  What happened here?
Halbarad:  Well, after getting back from that damned voyage, I went my
  own way from the others, and roamed on my own for a while, tracking
  and eliminating humanoids where I could, and helping those in need in-
  between.  (he frowns)  But it wasn't long before the in-between grew
  shorter and shorter.  Orcs and other scum swarmed the lands, not just
  here but in many other places.  I'd imagine Mongo had his hands full
  down there in Sterich and Geoff, close to the Crystalmists...although
  that was more giants.
Belphanior:  (nods)  That's pretty much what he said.
Halbarad:  Anyway, I was in these parts when the forces of Iuz took the
  Shield Lands, and quickly joined the effort, scouting mostly but also
  some pitched battles.  (he rolls up one tattered sleeve, revealing a
  jagged scar across his well-muscled upper arm)  Got that in the Battle
  of Critwall Bridge, thanks to a particularly aggressive orc captain.
  I've got plenty more scars...I damn well danced around death more than
  once, while sending plenty of foes that way.
Skektek:  Dozens, no doubt.
Halbarad:  (shakes his head wearily)  Hundreds.  Many hundreds...maybe
  more like a thousand.  (he pats his well-worn battleaxe)  It was a busy
  three years, and more such bloody times yet lie ahead.  Anyhow, we held
  the eastern border, after which I made it to Chendl around the time the
  enemy took Crockport.  I lent my assistance to helping Chendl prepare
  for attack, and was inside when the siege began.  I'm happy to say that
  my arrows felled a number of attackers, whenever I had the chance...but
  truly, I'd have liked to be part of the force led by King Belvor, the
  one that outwitted and then destroyed the forces besieging the city.
  (he shrugs)  But what's over is over, and I did what I could.
Belphanior:  Sounds like it.
Halbarad:  Furyondy is still in danger, at least in theory...but I think
  it likely that Iuz will make another push, sometime in the future.  If
  Belvor can unite the bickering politicians, and complete the repairs
  here, those things will help.  The kingdom has suffered much from the
  wars, losing some northern territory to Iuz; much of its naval might
  was also lost in seaborne skirmishes across Lake Whyestil.  And of
  course, great numbers of soldiers also fell during the various battles
  on land.  Those ranks have been replenished somewhat by fighting men
  from the fallen Shield Lands and other places.  I fear that the funds
  needed to continue rebuilding the nation's strength may soon run out.
Belphanior:  I see.  (he thinks for a few moments)  Are you known to the
Halbarad:  Perhaps more than many.  It appears that my efforts with bow
  and axe, before and during the siege, did not go unnoticed.  I was
  offered command of a scouting and strike offer which I did
  consider, but am reluctant to accept.  (he shrugs)  I work best alone.
Belphanior:  It sounds like you've made up your mind.
Halbarad:  Perhaps.  (he abruptly looks upward, into the clear blue sky)
  Excuse me a moment.

  The ranger raised one arm, and from above, a small speck quickly grew
as it got closer, large brown wings pushing it through the air.

Paige:  It's a bird.
Skektek:  Should I zap it?  (he catches the menacing glare from Halbarad)
  Just joking!
Paige:  (watching in awe as a large hawk, its great brown wings spanning
  at least five feet, descends from the sky to land lightly on Halbarad's
  outstretched arm)
Halbarad:  There.  (he retrieves a chunk of dried meat from a pouch, and
  feeds it to the hawk, who devours it in moments)
large hawk:  (perched on the thick padded gauntlet finishing its snack,
  it regards the others silently but with some interest)
Razor Charlie:  (grimaces)
Belphanior:  A new friend?
Paige:  What's his name?
Halbarad:  He needs no name.  He is simply one of my companions, and has
  been a great help with advance scouting and such.
Belphanior:  I can't say that I'm surprised you have a big, mean hawk at
  your command.
Halbarad:  Such things happen, as they must.
Belphanior:  I have another question for you...maybe a strange one.  When
  I talked to Peldor, he mentioned that the strange anti-magic effect you
  suffered in the battle with Xusia's beholder ally had ceased to be a
Halbarad:  I'm not sure it ever was a "problem"...more of a quirk.  It
  came in handy during some battles, no denying it.  But yes, that ichor
  and its bizarre properties no longer affect me.  I got used to it years
Belphanior:  I see.
Halbarad:  So, you plan to go speak with everyone now?
Belphanior:  (nods)  I was thinking of finding Rillen and Songa next.
Halbarad:  Good luck with that.  And watch what you say - those two took
  the events involving the mysterious island harder than I did, Songa in
  particular.  She was greatly upset.
Belphanior:  Thanks.  I'll bear that in mind.  And I may be back to help
  in some capacity - it's become clear to me that certain evils need to
  be defeated, excised from the face of the world.  (he sets his jaw)
Halbarad:  I couldn't agree more.  Powerful wizards, and their even more
  powerful weapons, would go a long way toward achieving that goal.
Belphanior:  That they would.  But in the meantime, I'd like to offer
  assistance of another kind.  (he removes his pack, rummaging about in
  it until he finds and removes a large pouch)  Please convey this to the
  king, Belvor.  (he smiles grimly)  For the rebuilding effort.
Halbarad:  (takes the pouch, which is rather weighty and feels as if it
  contains several dozen medium-sized hard objects)  Gems?
Belphanior:  Yup.  A small fortune.  My donation to the cause here.
Halbarad:  I will see to it that these find their way to the king.  This
  gift will be much appreciated.
Belphanior:  Donation.
Halbarad:  (shrugs, stowing the pouch within his pack before clasping the
  elf's hand)  It was good to see you again.  And best of luck with your
  mission.  I hope you can avoid too much bloodshed.
Belphanior:  (frowns)  I don't.

  With that, the elf led the others even further away from Chendl and
the surrounding lands and farms, now intent upon his next destination.
For his part, Halbarad watched them go for a few moments before turning
and heading back toward the city, his thoughts known only to himself.

Belphanior:  (watches the ranger walk away into the distance)
Skektek:  That guy...didn't seem happy.
Paige:  From what I heard, I can't blame him.  (to Belphanior)  Was he
  always like that?
Belphanior:  Yeah, but not quite so serious, or world-weary.  Can't say
  I blame him...if I got sent on a great voyage that turned out to lack
  the support I was told it would, lost a bunch of my companions, then
  returned to the civilized world only to then fight pretty much non-stop
  for several years...I'd be upset too.  It's a testament to his strength
  of will and character that he's kept it together and been able to do all
  that he's done.
Razor Charlie:  (thinking about fighting constantly for years, he allows
  himself the slightest of smiles)
Paige:  Eh?
Razor Charlie:  (quickly grimaces)  Nothing.
Skektek:  So what's next?
Belphanior:  (consulting the Seeking Scroll)  Looks like...the frozen
  lands to the far northeast.

next:       Rillen and Songa
released:   6/10/2022
notes:      We haven't seen Halbarad since 11/20/580 (episode 1091) when
  he had just returned from the lost island adventure and was weighing
  three things simultaneously:  the perceived betrayal of the anonymous
  backers of that doomed voyage, the nullification of the bizarre anti-
  magic effect that had permeated his body, and the vaguely-mentioned
  "orcish troubles" somewhere nearby.  Obviously he focused on the third
  of these things.
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